Thursday, January 23, 2014

Getting ready for Sunday!

We live with people.  We live around with people.  We work for people.  We work with people.  We work next to people.  We interact with people more than ever before either in person or through some other medium.  We get phone calls, text messages, Facebook alerts, maybe even Voxer. Unless you are a hermit living on a mountaintop you interact with people all day long. What's that experience like?  Some people enjoy a tech free day off, a quiet day away from it all.  Many people would benefit from just a few moments unplugging.

That's what Jesus is doing with his disciples in the text we'll look at this Sunday (Matthew 14:13-21). They were going away by themselves to unplug.  The disciples had come off of a missionary trip.  Jesus had just received the news that John the Baptist had been beheaded.  They were worn out and tired and need a chance to unplug and to refuel in prayer and meditation on God's Word.  BUT THE CROWDS CHASED THEM THERE TOO!

Yet, what do we see in Jesus?  Pay close attention.  Jesus may have been worn out, but he was never too exhausted to give his love and care to that crowd that interrupted his quiet time.  He saw that they were harassed and helpless.

As you get ready for Sunday, learn this about Jesus - our Father in heaven is never too busy, never to exhausted, never empty to hear our prayers.  We are his children and he doesn't brush us off or view our prayers as too small a thing for him to be concerned about.  Jesus is the very same way.  He looked at this crowd and he was overflowing with compassion for them.

How do you look at the people in your life that enter it through a purposeful plan of yours or through God's purposeful plan (that you didn't know about!)? How do you see their intrusion into your day?

Jesus wanted to teach his disciples something that day.  He teaches us something too.  This Sunday we learn from Jesus about a SHIFT in our involvement in the lives of the people around us and learn to impact them in the same way that we have been impacted by Jesus himself.

Read Matthew 14:13-21 (for a fuller picture you can also read: Matthew 14:1-36; Mark 6:1-56; and/or John 6:1-70).

See you Sunday!

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