Thursday, January 9, 2014

Getting ready for a new series!

Be honest: Are you happy with your life? Wish you could change something? Are you already making plans for what you’ll change in the New Year? New Year’s resolutions? We’d love to hit a grand-slam-walk-off home run.  We’d love to throw or catch the “hail mary” to win the football game.  We’d love to make that huge change that will have a huge impact.  The problem is that change is tough, especially if you try to do a 180 in a month.  That kind of change is really tough.
So what works? What can we do as we walk with Jesus toward heaven? What can we do as we grow together and walk with our fellow believers?

Small, steady shifts. Little, but powerful changes. Imagine feeling confident instead of fearful. Hopeful instead of despaired. Fulfilled instead of worthless. Small, steady shifts. God created us to walk with him every day and he guides us and helps us in making these SHIFTS: Small Changes that make a BIG difference. 

This Sunday - SHIFT in our worship experience.  We'll listen to Jesus teach us about how he wants us to approach him and his Word, how he wants us to listen and what he wants us to do with what he says.  And in so doing he helps us understand the purpose of our time with him.  Our worship experience, our time with Jesus on Sunday morning is our time to meet with God, to meet with Jesus, to hear from him, to be drawn closer to him so that our faith is built on the rock.  Jesus teaches us to shift our attention to him and to his Word in our worship and in so doing he works powerful in us.

So, let's get our year, our week and our year started built on Jesus and his words.  Our worship gets our week out of the blocks and sprinting toward the finish line.
Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) to read the whole context of what Jesus says.  We will give special attention to Jesus' words in Matthew 5:1-2 and 7:24-29.
See you Sunday!

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