Alright, for those of you reading through the gospels this lent. Here are your readings for today. Matthew 2, Luke 2, John 2.
If you missed yesterday go back and read the first chapter of the same books. As I reread these sections it is amazing to me how God has this whole thing planned and organized, even orchestrated. It will go according to plan. In his grace, he lets people - us - be a part of his plan and sends messengers (in these accounts, angels) to get people on board. Yet, even when they are not willing God's plan is not deterred! God gets it done and our salvation is won.
Thank you, Lord God, our Father in heaven above for your wise and careful plan that you carried out powerfully and perfectly in the days of Jesus. Thank you for not doing it secretly but doing it publicly and letting us know about it through your Word and through the messengers you send to us who proclaim that Word. Amen.
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