Friday, March 14, 2014

Getting ready for Sunday.

I remember the days when I sat in the pews.  I get to do it every once in a while now, but it's different for me now.  I hardly ever get to just sit and listen so now it's a very difference experience.  I see things differently and hear things differently now.  But I remember the days when I sat in the pew.  I was tired and often struggled to keep my eyes open.  I remember many a time when I walked away from church and wondered what we did for the last hour.  I remember struggling to pay attention and keep my mind on track.  Sometimes I was tired.  Sometimes I was distracted. Sometimes I was cold.  Sometimes I was hot.  Sometimes I was troubled.  Sometimes I was too comfortable.  There were all kinds of things that me from really giving my full attention to the worship that was at hand.

What is it for you?  What is that keeps your hears from hearing and your heart from absorbing that which God gives in Word and Sacrament?

Jesus had many important things to teach his disciples in those last hours of his life, many things that he wanted to stick to their hearts and minds long after he was gone.  But they were having trouble listening. They were having trouble understanding.  They were having trouble taking to hear the things that Jesus said.

But Jesus was so patient and loving with his deaf disciples. 

This Sunday we're going to look at John 14:1-14 and hear Jesus comfort his disciples who were so troubled and confused that they weren't hearing his words. 

As you come to church this Sunday say a prayer that God would use his words to open your hears and pierce your hearts that you might have the hope and comfort that Jesus gives us in these precious words on the night he was betrayed.  He was more troubled than all the rest but from the depths of his love he comforted his disciples and comforts us.

See you Sunday!

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