Monday, January 27, 2014

Beyond Sunday - SHIFT in my involvement.

Yesterday turned into an interesting but an awesome day. But it didn't go as planned.  Sunday morning was great! I always love the chance to share God's Word.  Lunch was awesome.  Got to visit with so many people.  Add to that the joy of seeing God's people connecting to each other - and not wanting to leave.  Then I got teach the basics of the faith.  All part of the plan, so far.

Then I came out to the car and had a flat.  Not exactly how I wanted to spend the next part of my Sunday.  But it turned out well.  I got home from getting the flat fixed and enjoyed a great evening with my family.  God gave me some down time that I hadn't planned on and it was just what I needed so that I could come home refreshed to be with family.

We're all busy.  I haven't met anyone in this world who isn't busy.  In fact, that is the common reason that something can't get done, someone can't meet... I can't do that because I'm busy.  Take a look at your day, take a look at your calendar and what do you see? You're busy. We're all busy.

We're all busy.  But don't be too busy for God.

Take just a moment today and thank God for the life that he's given you.
Take just a moment today and thank God for the grace that he's given you, the forgiveness that he's given you.
Take just a moment today and thank God for the way he is ruling your life and taking care of you, even if you don't agree with his plan.
Take just a moment and ask God to help you through whatever it is that is on your plate.

It's so easy for us to substitute our action and activity for trust in God's action and activity.  It's so easy to think, "I'm too busy to pray.  I'm too busy to read my devotions."  But take note at what we're doing... We're thinking that our work is more important than God's.  We're thinking that our will is more important than God's.  And we all know that that just isn't true.

Slow down and ponder God's will and work.
Slow down and ponder God's mission and ministry.
Slow down and pray.
Slow down and see how God get's involved in your life.
Slow down and see the opportunities that God gives you to be involved in the lives of the people around you.

Then, get off the bench and get into the game.

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